IATEFL 2015 in Manchester
Once more, the time of the year for IATEFL International has come round.
If you are going to be at IATEFL, please make sure we meet up and talk!
If not, at least make sure to follow some or all the keynote talks and selected presentations which will be livestreamed – click on the image below and you will be taken to the IATEFL Online Website.
You can view the final conference programme here
My talk
This time, my talk is going to be on a topic related to teacher education – which is what I do for a living, after all!!!!
The title of my talk is “Evernote for Teacher Observation & Teacher Development” in which I will be sharing some of the ways I used this tool in the last couple of years with trainee teachers on our CELTA and Delta courses.
Will post slides and notes after my talk 🙂
I will also be presenting a short, telescoped version of my talk, by way of a quick show-and-tell, during the Learning Technologies SIG in the afternoon  slot of the PCE day – so if you are there, come and talk about the tech of it!
The C Group
Earlier this year, I was invited to submit a proposal for a chapter in a British Council publication on the subject of Creativity.
I was very lucky to have had my chapter proposal selected and included in the final volume along with the wonderful chapters submitted by my colleagues. My chapter contribution is on fostering creativity in teachers in their self help groups or as part of their teacher education programmes.
As a result of this chapter writing, I learnt about the work of the C Group and was invited by one of my chapter editors, Mr Alan Maley, to join that group. This is a great community of educators interested in creativity, innovation and change.
For those of you interested in the workings of this group there is a proper website with its manifesto that you can read about here and if you happen to be at IATEFL, an open invitation to join the meeting which will be held on Sunday, April 12 in Cobden 3 at 18.45.
The C Group which has produced this very attractive leaflet including all the talks by members presenting at IATEFL 2015.
Download the  CGroup leaflet to find out about member presentations or click below
I am really looking forward to meeting up with so many of the members of my PLN (Personal Learning Network) and to learning from all the colleagues who converge in one place every year for this great event.
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